So I saw this meme on social media the other day, and I just had to laugh to keep from crying. I understand that this meme does not apply to all of us, but man I know it sure applies to a lot of us. Spring semester is often a harsh smack in the face. Here we are pushing through to make it to Spring Break. Then, we countdown the weeks, days and hours until the last day of school. There are days where we’ll question why we chose this career path.
(Remember, in college, when everyone suddenly changed their major to Informatics? WHY DIDN’T I MAJOR IN INFORMATICS!!! 😩)
We definitely didn’t choose education for the money. So why did we choose education? We chose education, because we see the value in raising up a generation that makes informed decisions. We chose education, because we’re naturally nurturers, lovers and caregivers. We chose education, because we know that we’re needed. And where there is a need, we meet it.
We chose education. Yes, or maybe education chose us. Either way we’re here. Some days are tough, but most days are amazing.
To all the underpaid, underappreciated and undervalued teachers 😘 We love you! We appreciate you! We value you!